Delightful Ethical Digital

13th February 2018

Perfect match: helping students find research placements

The Nuffield Foundation provide work placements to students who are in their first year of post-16 STEM courses. Administered by a network of coordinators across the UK via a dedicated website, this huge programme needed a robust and highly customised online solution. We’re excited to have created the site for them and launched it in time for their 2018 application process.

Each year, The Nuffield Foundation provide work placements alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians to students who are in their first year of post-16 STEM courses, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This huge programme is administered by a network of coordinators across the UK via a dedicated website – so they needed a robust and highly customised online solution.

We’re excited to have created the site for them and launched it in time for their 2018 application process. Check out the website here…

We began with an extensive period of user research with students, placement providers and coordinators. The plethora of complex administrative tasks, such as matching the most suitable students to placements, were analysed and fleshed out in wireframes prior to development.

We based the application on a Drupal 8 framework but completely customised it to meet the client’s particular needs. Historical data from the previous system was imported and integrated into the new system. After months of intense development, two extended periods of User Acceptance Testing with students, providers and coordinators put the application through its paces. Following final adjustments, the site went live on its original target live date.

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