Delightful Ethical Digital

4th September 2018

Doing things differently

TAP LDN is a new charity that gives homeless people contactless card readers to sell art cards themed on a issue in the news, providing them an income and raising money for local charities testing the changing habits of Londoners who no longer carry cash.

Many countries around the world are already making a move towards a cashless society. Sweden issued micro card readers to the homeless so they could accept donations from credit and debit cards. The Guardian reported that, according to the central bank of Sweden, cash transactions make up only 2% of the total value of all transactions in the economy.

TAP LDN is a new charity that between November ‘17 and February ‘18 piloted a new scheme to explore the changing habits of Londoners.

Seven individuals experiencing homelessness were hired to work as vendors, testing contactless technology on the streets of London, whilst improving the lives of participants through meaningful work. They raised over £1,000 for New Horizon Youth Centre, whilst earning London Living Wage for themselves.

We eagerly await to see what happens next, a great digital solution to a real world issue facing our sector.

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