Delightful Ethical Digital

19th June 2018

#ReframeRA for Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a condition that affects about 1% of the population in the UK – more than 400,000 people.

A recent Government study found that of the people surveyed, 42% thought that RA was ‘wear and tear of the joints’. This, in fact, is Osteoarthritis – a different condition entirely. RA is a type of disease known as an autoimmune condition. The body’s immune system is designed to defend against infection and an autoimmune condition is when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body instead. In RA’s case, the immune system attacks the lining of the joints, resulting in pain and stiffness. But, the effects of RA do not end there.

The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) work tirelessly to educate people on the true effects of RA. NRAS’s, RA Awareness week starts on 18th July with the aim of challenging misconceptions and attitudes that many people have around RA. This week, NRAS will focus on broadening perceptions, knowledge and understanding of the disease.

We have worked with and supported NRAS for a number of years. Here are some ways in which you can support NRAS during RA Awareness week:

  • Spread the word on social media using #ReframeRA
  • Raise funds for NRAS here:
  • If you shop on Amazon, use AmazonSmile. Between 15 – 29 June all orders placed via AmazonSmile are tripled! When you shop through AmazonSmile and select NRAS as your chosen charity you will be supporting those living with RA and JIA every time you buy something online!

Can you help make the invisible visible and #reframeRA?

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