Delightful Ethical Digital

30th May 2022

LIVE: A responsive and energetic website for The Salters’ Institute

Subtle animation and a contrasting palette bring chemistry to life on this new WordPress build

The flagship charity of the Salters’ Company, The Salters’ Institute has been promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of chemistry and related sciences for over a century. Driven by an all-inclusive approach to education, the charity offers programmes to children, adults and families alike, no matter their background or previous experience in science.


The Institutes’ previous website lacked imagination and presented users with uninspiring designs and confusing journeys when trying to access their events and programmes. With such an exciting offering, we placed reactions and changes at the heart of the new website, introducing animated hover states and interactive calls to action across the site. 

A new and refined primary navigation presents users with intuitive options to point them towards content most suited to their needs, while third-party platforms like Ticket Tailor seamlessly link to the site and allow users to quickly and easily book on to exciting events.

See the new site

I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that has been involved in this project for helping us to create such a wonderful website that we could launch on time and on budget. You have been extremely accommodating and went above and beyond to make sure the site was the best it could be, and we are so delighted with it! This will really elevate us as a charity in chemistry outreach and we could not be more grateful.

Emma Rogers, Communications Officer

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